...det här med Flat Earth.
Jag menar, ramlar man över kanten om man inte passar sig..?
Det här med att segla jorden runt får ju en annan betydelse dessutom. Man seglar ju inte runt, utan i en cirkel... Förvirrande!
Så här står det bland mycket annat i Wikipedia.
"The modern Flat Earth Society describes the Earth as being a disc with a diameter of about 40,000 km (24,900 miles) and a circumference of 126,000 km (78,225 miles). The sun and moon are both described as discs about 52 km (32 miles) in diameter (although some such sources say they are spheres) following closed paths about 4,800 km (3,000 miles) above the Earth, and the stars about 160 km (100 miles) higher.
The Flat Earth Society also maintains that the Earth is accelerating upward at a rate of 9.8 m/s², thereby simulating gravity, under the influence of a form of dark energy."Har jag sagt det förut, ja att det finns folk till allt!